What’s inspiring me right now?
Discover the latest news, thoughts and inspirational events that I’m involved with…

On being a Northern Power Woman
What really matters to me is that we hold those doors open for the people around us, the people coming along behind and beside us, the next generation of would-be entrepreneurs and leaders. Those current leaders who may be full of self-doubt, have lost their mojo, are feeling tired…

What’s in a name? The power of the portmanteau and a business owner’s inspiration…
As a start-up, choosing a name can be fraught with difficulty. It needs to be something that reflects your brand and vision. Yet it can’t be too “of the moment”…

The privilege of being a mentor
Being part of someone’s journey as they take on the fears they feel, speak their truth and share their concerns and, then, to see those worries lift and their old joy and confidence and belief in what they’re doing and in themselves return is a massive privilege. And one I don’t take lightly.

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle
I was asked recently why I think mentoring is important. In response, this quote by James Keller sprang to mind. The quote is one of my favourites and it really sums up for me the idea of mentoring: why wouldn’t I want to bring light to another?

On being grateful
After seeking help for my own mental health in 2019, shortly before the first lockdown, I’ve actively been practicing gratitude in my life.

Be the person you needed when you were younger
Being a mum to seven (yes, seven: it’s complicated, sad in places, but it works and there’s never a dull moment), I see daily how our children benefit from the support and encouragement they have at home.
Not all children are so lucky; my own life wasn’t so neat and tidy either. Which is perhaps why this Ayesha A. Siddiqui quote resonates so powerfully with me.